Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My first self published book of poetry is out !!

My first self published book of poetry is available on kindle :

Please read and review !!!

PS : you will need the kindle app which can be installed for free on desktop and other devices. get the free app from here -

Awaiting the review / comments :)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lost Love

she lost love to her insecurities
to low self esteem,to baseless fears
she tapped to hard,a love so glassy
she lost love to her insecurities
the tragic conversations,a bit too many
he listened,but maybe she did not hear.
she lost love to her insecurities
to low self esteem,to baseless fears.


Written for OSI , Sunday Whirl

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Oh divine one !

I look for signs and words alike
anything that would bring me calm
in such chaos and troubled times
I look for signs and words alike
that would make sense in heart of mine
that heal the wounds and the scars,
I look for signs and words alike
anything that would bring me calm.

After ages I tried a poetry form. and this is my favorite : Triolet.

( Linked to Alphabe Thursday)

On same lines , i wrote :

Am searching again
for the peace within my soul
the light that once shone.


Join the fun!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Images and words

some images you come across,
and can not think of
new words,
or lines,
some one wrote
better dreams
that seem to sweep
across your mind
and the images
come alive.

As soon as I saw the image prompt for this week , I was reminded of a poem by Ibeingme. It took me a while but I did dig it out for you. ( Linked to his  name )

Written for Magpie tales 
Also linked to Open Link night @ dVerse Poetics

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Wedding : joys and pain

Mother and daughter
looking ahead , looking away
a wedding awaits

a wedding awaits
sweet pain of separation
dreams of new life.

family tree spreads
new branches, new memories
love and moments flow

Prompted for Haiku my heart , Haiku heights , OSI

Image source

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I love winters. I love colors. So finally I get to wear socks :D
I bought 4 pairs last week - each a different color.
Here's the first one I wore :

Was checking Luke Parker 's blog and read these lovely six-word stories.
He further re-directed me to Jamie's post about the same. Two posts and multiple six word stories later , I was tempted enough to try few -

Bright colors. blinding lights. fluid Illusions.

battle scars. resentment rises. peace buried.
Fake parts, plastc smiles - beauty harvest.

Paintings on her wall imagined loneliness.


her hair color - matched his personality.

Ok, I should stop :D
Do try a few and let me know !

Monday, December 3, 2012

The eye

The "eye of dead" was not to be dug out.The evil spirits laughed as soon as it saw light. He thought it would resurrect his dead lover when the eye levelled and stopped. He sat for weeks next to the preserved body.He died waiting. The eye took another soul.


 Written for Magpie Tales , G-Man's friday flash55 , Easy Street Prompts
Photo Credits : Magpie tales

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Winter winds

Withering wind blows -
storm from your memories
flashes of your touch

Written for Carpe Diem , Haiku Heights

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Indian Summer

the lazy bones yearn,
late summers refuse to move
winter knocks on door.

( An Indian summer is a heat wave that occurs in the autumn. It refers to a period of considerably above-normal temperatures, accompanied by dry and hazy conditions, usually after there has been a killing frost. )


Written for Carpe diem , OSI , Haiku Friday